21 November 2013


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First Lady Michelle Obama stopped by "106 & Park" to promote education and President Obama's "North Star Goal".  

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she was there to tout President Obama's "North Star" goal to place America back at number one as the country with the highest proportion of college graduates in the world by 2020. Mrs. Obama engaged in a discussion with the audience alongside Jeff Johnson and hosts Bow Wow and Keshia Chante.

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The First Lady ended by sharing with the audience that you never stopping learning, growing or questioning yourself. "I'm still discovering what I want to be. I'm still thinking about what I want to do when I leave the White House." 
But she is looking forward to one thing after this Presidential term is over.  She revealed, "Anonymity. Being able to walk out your front door without agents and … go to CVS to buy some toothpaste."  

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